Benefits of Aspiring Membership

Aspiring Membership Is perfect for anyone who wishes to be a female airline pilot one day.  
  • Young woman in flight training
  • Girl wanting to be a pilot when she grows up. 
  • Currently employed in the aviation industry with her ultimate goal of being an airline pilot

     > There is no minimum (or maximum) age limit.

Resource Hub

Just starting down this path and don't know the best way to get there? Access our library of resources from scholarship tips to recommended interview preparation.

Scholarship Program

ISA+21 provides advanced flight training scholarships to women each year. Apply to our scholarships to give you that final boost to reach your airline goal.


Stay inspired reading about female airline pilot accomplishments, industry news, and get the most up-to-date information on our scholarship program with electronic newsletters.


Don't know a female airline pilot and need someone to guide you? We can help!