ISA+21 Bylaws Amendment Proposal

Article XIV, Section 1, Paragraph A states:
The Board of Directors may initiate such an amendment by an affirmative vote by a 2/3 majority of the Board.
During the spring Board of Directors meeting held in Philadelphia, PA on May 3rd, 2021, the Board of Directors voted to amend the bylaws to align Director terms with the annual ISA+21 Conference to maintain continuity.  Please review the proposed amendments below in red.

Article VI, Section 4, Paragraph B:

Current Bylaws

Assumption of Duties: Directors shall assume their duties on May 15 of the year in which they are elected.  All positions shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.

Proposed Change:

Assumption of Duties: Directors shall assume their duties on the first of the month following the annual ISA+21 conference of the year in which they are elected.  All positions shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.

These Proposed Amendments will be put on the agenda for the upcoming annual General Business Meeting held on September 22nd, 2021 at the Atlanta Conference.
Voting for Eligible Members will take place on the ISA+21 Website
(Proposed timeframe September 23- 30th,  2021)
Once the results are certifed by the Secretary, the proposed changes will become effective immediately.

Article XIV, Section 1, Paragraph C:
When an amendment ballot is initiated, a 2/3 vote of voting members will be required to ratify the amendment

Article XIV, Section 2:
These Bylaws become effective at the close of the business meeting at which they are adopted, unless otherwise specified.

For Bylaws and voting related questions, please contact